Directions from Bogota Colombia to Montanita

You can make different overland routes from Bogota to Montanita in relatively quick paths, achieving a continuous total distance of one and a half.

To get to Montañita from Bogota have several options:

  1. Go to Ipiales - Colombia, then cross the border to Tulcan (Ecuador). (It should go to the border crossing in combi - bus or taxi).
  2. Take a direct bus to Quito or Guayaquil - Ecuador for an average cost of 60usd. (Then in Quito take a direct bus to Montañita with an average cost of 12usd and Guayaquil aproximandamente desdes 6usd).
  3. Make a direct flight from Bogota - Guayaquil, there are different companies that perform direct routes and with stops at a good price. In low season you can find good promotions. The average cost is between 300 and 500usd.
  4. Make a direct flight from Bogota - Quito, there are different companies that perform direct and scales to buy tours, in Colombia there is a new airline called Live Colombia which offer flights to Quito at a great price, only pesta airline does not provide service luggage hold, the passenger must carry only one piece of hand baggage weighing about 6kg, if any service is requested cellar this cost is in addition to the value of the fare paid. Consult with arolínea the value of additional load. In low season you can find good promotions. The average cost is between 220 and 350usd.


Surf Taxi

Surf Taxi

Phones: +593 959814004 ´

SURFTAXI: Your Executive Taxi Service on Ecuador's Coast SURFTAXI is an executive taxi company operating in the coastal areas of Ayampe, Montañita, Olon, and Las Tunas in Ecuador. We provide transfer...

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